Monday, July 2, 2007


J. Henderson - Solving the Mysteries of Ultra-Magnetized Neutron Stars - Heat Transport inside the Crust.
The addition of a toroidal component to the crustal field can sufficiently reduce the radius of the hot emitting areas on the NS surface to possibly explain some observations (i.e. "The Magnificent Seven").
To Observational Astronomers: Keep doing what you're doing.

Alexandros Gezerlis - Neutron Star Matter Superfluidity: from BCS to QMC.
Microscopic simulations of the 1S0 zero-temperature neutron-matter pairing gap show it to be larger than that calculated within all the previous formalisms.
To Observational Astronomers: to quote Chuck Horowitz, "Astronomers should ask nuclear physicists two questions: (1) Are your results model dependent, and (2) What are your theoretical error bars?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Prakash asked during this talk: if there can be a strong magnetic field in the crust (B~1e15 G), this can effect the electron chemical potential, which can change the chemical composition in the crust, correct? No one has inviestigated this, it appears.