Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Chuck Horowitz: Neutron Rich Matter and Neutron Star Crusts.
To observational astronomers: Astronomers should ask nuclear physicists two questions: (1) Are your results model dependent. and (2) What are your theoretical error bars?

Jorge Piekarewicz:
The Impact of Terrestrial Facilities on the Structure of the Neutron Star Crust
To observational astronomers: The new facilities (like RHIB) will constrain the low density EOS. We need nice neutron star M-R measurements to constrain the high-density EOS, and the observational astronomy approaches are the only ones I know which can produce these constraints.

Jim Lattimer:
Observational Constraints on the Neutron Star Crust and their Implications for the Dense Matter Equation of State.
We desparately need a radius measurement, even without a mass measurement, because it can provide a reasonable constraint on the EOS.

K. Sato: Nuclear "Pasta" Phases by Quantum Molecular Dynamics.

To observational astronomers: It would be very valuable to have observational constraints on what densities the pasta phase occurs [ed.: it is noted that this will be difficult, since it is not yet clear what observable can provide a unique signature of the pasta phase.]

Bennet Link. The Dynamics of Vortex Pinning in the Neutron Star Crust.
To observational astronomers: Please identify rotational and seismic modes (observationally!).
To Nuclear Theorists: fully solve the vortex/nucleus interaction problem.

Steve Price. Time-correlated Structure in Spin Fluctuations of an Isolated Neutron Star.
To nuclear theorists: In the future, we will assume some physical value for the torque, and be able to constrain the value of the reduce the moment of inertia. This should constrain the ratio of the core moment of inertia to that of the crust.

Alex Turbiner. One-Two Electrons Atomic-Molecular Systems in a Strong Magnetic Field.
To observational astronomers: At B-fields between 1e12 and 4.4e13 G of two-electron systems, all basic transitions, dissociations and ionization energies have energies between 100-1000 eV.

Marcello Baldo. Microscopic Theory of the Neutron Star Inner Crust.
To observational astronomers: We can calculate in a reliable way the Equation of State of the crust (pressure vs. density); however, the more detailed physics (such as the shear modulus) is still not well known.

Jerome Margueron. Equation of State in the Inner Crust of Neutron Matter: Discussion of the Finite Size Effects. What is interesting in thisese models is the impact on predictions regarding cooling processes (see talk by N. Sandulecu).

Chris Fryer. After the Shock, Magnetic Fields and Fallback on Newly Formed Neutron Stars.
To observational astronomers: Anything you can tell me about Cas A (is it a magnetar?) will help me constrain SNe models. To nuclear physicists: are there any effects of fallback on nucleosynthetic yields?

Aimee Hungerford. Neutrino Scattering in Proto-Neutron Stars.
To observational astronomers: Self-regulation was a bit of surprise to us, but it seems one cannot learn very much about the interior equation of state from neutrino observations.

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