Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Vicky Kaspi. Magnetars. For nuclear theorists: Magnetars may have relevance to the EOS.

Anna Watts. Magnetar Seismology. For nuclear theorists: If we really are seeing NS starquakes, then we have a fantastic new probe of crust physics. Also, I would like to know:
* How and when the Crust yields
* The Shear Modulus of your favorite crust models
* What precisely is going on at the crust/core boundary.

Jeremy Heyl. QED Can Explain the Non-Thermal Emission from SGRs and AXPs.
For Nuclear Theorists: Does nuclear material have a gap? I don't care whether it's 0.5 or 2 MeV.
* Is the proton superconductor Type I or Type II? If Type II, do currents along vortices make it act like Type I?
* Where is the quark-hadron phase transition? Sure the quark phase has lots of structure, but it may be completely irrelevant.

For Observational Astronomers:
* Should I really believe these lines, periods, Pdots, error bars?
* Rare systems are great! Get me more? How about some eclipsing binaries in globular clusters, or really young cooling neutron stars.
* Coordinated timing campaigns as BATSE did for accreting neutron stars.

Roberto Turolla. X-ray Spectra from Magnetar Candidates.
For nuclear theorists: It would be a great help to have a detailed model of the corona of the magnetosphere.

Silvia Zane. SGRs Long Term Spectral Variability.
For Nuclear Theorists: I would like to understand better the effect of a strong magnetic field on the interior of the neutron star.

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