Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Neutron Star Crust and Surface 2007

Welcome to the blog on The Neutron Star Crust and Surface Program, held at the Institute for Nuclear Physics at the University of Washington, Seattle, June 18-July 25th 2007.

This is a bit of an experiment -- is a blog a good forum for documenting a research workshop? Does it improve communication among participants, and between participants and people outside? Leave a comment about what you came here to see, and what you will be looking for here.

1 comment:

David Eichler said...

I am about to set my exact dates for travel, assuming there are still seats available. I would like to know if anyone is especially interested in talking, work or collaborating with me after the workshop. I am interested in neutron star seismology, and how it complements and enhances other crustal diagnostics such as cooling. but the expert, Anna Watts, is unfortunately leaving right after the workshop. I love Seattle but wish to take up space and expense only if it serves the general good.